Invention ha sede a Bologna, Milano, Modena, Fermo, Ferrara e Città di Castello e si occupa del deposito di marchi di impresa, brevetti, disegni e modelli.

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Deposito marchi brevetti - Bologna - Invention
Invention ha sede a Bologna, Milano, Modena, Fermo, Ferrara e Città di Castello e si occupa del deposito di marchi di impresa, brevetti, disegni e mod... more
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$1,433 USD
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1.07 seconds
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Studio Marchi e Brevetti: Consulenza, Deposito e Registrazione

Studio marchi e brevetti : consulenza design, deposito brevetti, registrazione marchi.tutela legale

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Licenze e Brevetti - Torino - Aprà Mario Brevetti e Marchi di Fabbrica...

Lo studio aprà si trova a torino, dove si occupa di pratiche per l'ottenimento di brevetti nazionali

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Marchi, Brevetti, Visura, Registrazione, Sorveglianza

La titolarità dei marchi e brevetti costituiscono uno dei maggiori patrimoni delle aziende

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Studio Consulenza Marchi e Brevetti Brunacci & Partners Studio Brevetti Modena...

Studio consulenza marchi e brevetti brunacci & partners, specializzato nell�ottenimento, mantenimento

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Europa Creativa - Associazione Europea Creativi...

Invenzioni, patent, brevetti, brevetto, marchio, trademark, diritto d'autore, copyright, modello ornamentale

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Ruo Patentes, Presentación de Patentes y Marcas, Deposito di Marchi Ebrevetti in Spagna...

Ruo patentes y marcas, marchi e brevetti, trademarks and patents in spain, spagna, españa alicante

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Brevetti, Marchi, Industrial Design | Studio Fanfani | Firenze

Studio fanfani, consulenza e assistenza per la registrazione di marchi e brevetti a firenze e in tutta italia

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Avvocati Per Marchi Brevetti Copyright Internet Impresa

Siamo uno studio legale di impresa e ci occupiamo di proprietà intellettuale, diritto di internet edi impresa

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Studio Celsus - Deposito Brevetti, Registrazione Marchi, Costruzione Prototipi...

Invenzioni, patent, brevetti, brevetto, marchio, trademark, diritto d'autore, copyright, modello ornamentale

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We found 19 websites. With this list, you can understand how other people are using the domain, similar to yours.


Worlds Largest Invention Factory - Inventionland

Inventionland is the world’s largest invention factory, where retailers, corporations and inventors come to innovative their products. Get your idea built today!

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Make Money From Your Invention!

Here's how my no nonsense advice on inventing will get your product to market

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Invention Statistics | Invention Data

Statistics and invention data about inventions and inventors, odds of inventor success, independent inventor demographics, patent search costs, patent costs, maintenance fees, patent attorney fees, licensing royalty rates, invention revenues, inventor inc

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Inventions Help And Inspiration For The First-time Inventor

Inventions handbook, the ultimate free resource for turning your innovative ideas into products and for encouraging, accessible help for inventors

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Invention Ideas And Cool Inventions With Gadgets And Patents

Invention ideas, gadgets and cool inventions with new ideas added daily, plus help on patents and innovation

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Inventor Help : Prototype, Patent, License And Sell Inventions...

Submit your invention for possible licensing deal and brutally honest review from investors. Find sources for patents, prototypes and manufacturing. Learn how to protect your idea. Invention blog on new ideas and how to make and save money

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Patent Attorney | Patent Lawyer | Trademark Attorney...

If you are looking for a patent prosecution attorney as well as patent lawyer, trademark attorney, and invention patent attorney, please visit our website. If you are also looking for a trademark law office as well as patent strategy attorney, a freedom t

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Invention - Europe | le Portail Des Inventeurs, Des Inventions et Desinnovations en Europe...

Le site "invention - europe" est un site communautaire, pour les inventeurs indépendants. Pour leurs permettre de développer leurs inventions par eux-mêmes

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Le plus grand marche d'inventions au monde

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Invention Ideas | Inventions | Invent Now | Patent Search... helps individuals with invention ideas get professional help from leading invention support companies. Request free information now

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Inventions And Inventors

Inventors and their inventions

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Goldfire : Advanced Research, Problem Solving & Analytics...

The revolutionary goldfire decision-engine platform from invention machine, integrates advanced research technologies and proven problem-solving tools to accelerate decisions and power innovation. Learn more

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Home - Inventors Showcase - Invention Showcase - New Inventions...

Invention showcase features great new inventions from independent inventors, udated weekly - inventors showcase - inventions showcase - new inventions - patent showcase

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Buy And Sell Invention - Recent Auctions

Buy or sell inventions and patents. Find inventions for sale in the most active auction . Inventionsbuy : the marketplace for seller and buyer

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Pagina di Servizio Maxs.o.s.

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Home Page

We provide products and services to help independent inventors and other entrepreneurs protect and profit from their inventions and new product ideas

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brevetti internazionali
9 2016-01-02
22 2016-01-21 Websites hosted on same IP


Ristorante Giapponese - Milano - Poporoya Sushi Bar

A milano il ristorante e sushi bar poporoya propone le migliori ricette della tradizione nipponica, preparate con sapienza da maestri chef giapponesi

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Agenzia Investigazioni - Novara - Europol Dal 1962

L'agenzia di investigazioni europol, con sede a novara offre da oltre 50 anni servizi investigativi per privati e aziende di alto livello

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Palestra - Roma - Columbus Fitness Club

Columbus fitness club è la palestra all'interno del circolo tennis team vianello, sulla cristoforo colombo all'altezza della vecchia fiera di roma

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Pizzeria D’asporto - Como - Aglio e Peperoncino

A due passi da como, trovate aglio e peperoncino una gastronomia, pizzeria d'asporto che propone piatti caldi, ottime pizze, buffet e birre artigianali

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Benni Arredamenti su Misura - Bologna -

Da oltre 40 anni benni arredamenti di bologna opera nel settore arredi, progettando e realizzando soluzioni su misura per la vostra abitazione

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Fuochi D'artificio - Cervasca (cuneo) - Oriental Cuneo

Oriental si trova a cervasca, ed è ingrosso di giocattoli per tutta la provincia cuneese. Oltre alla vasta scelta di giochi, offre ai propri clienti anche articoli pirici e articoli natalizi

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Abbigliamento Donna - Pescara - Antonella Boutique

Antonella donna è sicuramente uno dei negozi più prestigiosi di pescara e si caratterizza per l'orientamento decisamente giovane

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Negozio di Fiori - Agrigento - Fiabesco

Fiabesco è un negozio di fiori di agrigento, specializzato nella realizzazione di addobbi e composizioni floreali per ogni occasione speciale

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Assicurazione - Pescantina - Assicurazioni Cattolica Pescantina

La società cattolica assicurazioni ormai divenuta un punto di riferimento anche per la città di pescantina, grazie ai suoi ottimi servizi e al suo team

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Soccorso Stradale H24 - Verona - Tebaldi

La ditta tebaldi srl, con sede a san bonifacio, in provincia di verona, offre servizi di autosoccorso 24 ore su 24 per mezzi leggeri e pesanti

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Website load time is an important factor, because Google is taking the site’s loading speed into consideration in determining its ranking. Even though this will not have a big impact, it is still something we (webmasters) should really look into. The reason is pretty simple – the majority of visitors are usually in a rush and no one is fond of waiting half a century before the website finally loads its content or fails to load. At the last check on 2016-09-01, website load time was 1.07. The highest load time is 1.65, the lowest load time is 0.87, the average load time is 1.23.

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