
Tous les matériaux de construction pour vos travaux en neuf ou en rénovation. Découvrez dans nos 800 agences Point.P une offre complète de solutions pour la performance énergétique de l'habitat.

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Pointp.fr Domain Statistics

Point.P Matériaux : gros uvre, isolation, carrelage, parquet, outillage - Distributeur de matériaux ... more
Tous les matériaux de construction pour vos travaux en neuf ou en rénovation. Découvrez dans nos 800 agences Point.P une offre complète de solutions p... more
SEO score:
Website Worth:
$29,368 USD
Web Safety:
Web safety signals the level of trust for the site's suitability for all users.
Child Safety:
Child safety signals the level of trust for the site's suitability for children.
Primary Traffic:
The country where current domain is most popular relative to the other countries
Webstatsdomain backlinks:
Date Registered
1997-02-21 00:00:00
0000-00-00 00:00:00
Site Age
28 years and 0 months
Pageviews per User:
Average Time on Site:
Search Percent:
Estimated percentage of visits to www.pointp.fr that came from a search engine
Estimated percentage of visits to www.pointp.fr that consist of a single pageview
Daily Pageviews:
Sites redirect to this site:
carnet-de-chantiers.com, carnetdechantiers.com, chantiers.info, leforum-pointp-paris.com, lexpopointp.com, lexpo-pointp.com, monchantier.com, negoce-materiaux.com, novibat.com, pointp-agence.com, pointp-projet.com, pointp.com, www.mobissimmo.fr, www.leforum-pointp-paris.fr, www.ultibat.fr, www.delta-pro.fr more (16)
Load Time:
0.71 seconds

Pointp.fr competitors


Outillage, Matériel Construction : Btp Mat, Vente Outillage et Matériel...

Btp mat, vente de matériel de chantier, outillage btp et matériel de construction en ligne

| | www.btpmat.fr


Union Matériaux, Maçonnerie, Materiaux, Outillage, Menuiserie, Sanitaire...

Union - matériaux, 35 agences près de chez vous, pour vous conseiller et vous accompagner dans vos

| | union-materiaux.fr


Matériaux de Construction, Bricolage : Achat en Ligne...

Vente en ligne de 20 000 produits pour la construction en neuf ou en rénovation

| | www.chausson-materiaux.fr


Gedimat - Matériaux de Construction - Bricolage...

Gedimat est le premier groupement français de distributeurs indépendants de matériaux de construction

| | www.gedimat.fr


Bigmat France - Négociants en Matériaux de Construction

Bigmat est la 1ere enseigne européenne de négociants indépendants en matériaux de construction

| | www.bigmat.fr


Matériaux Biologique Construction |

Mbc vous propose une sélection de matériaux naturels de construction dorigine bio

| | www.materiauxbioconstruction.com


Ecobati : Matériaux Écologiques et Isolation Naturelle...

Matériaux de construction écologiques et naturels, isolation et peintures naturelles en belgique et en france

| | ecobati.com


Affaire Matériaux - Les Petits Prix Brico Depuis 1994 !

La qualité au prix le plus bas pour rénover, construire, aménager votre intérieur et extérieur

| | affairemateriaux.fr


Infoweb Construction - All Products For Construction

Find all the materials, services and products for professionals in construction and public works

| | www.infowebbtp.com


Matériaux Naturels, Écologiques et Biosourcés Pour la Constructiondurable...

Boutique pour la maison écologique.achetez aux meilleurs prix des matériaux de construction naturels et bio

| | www.materiaux-naturels.fr

Pointp.fr Sites with a similar domain name

We found 18 websites. With this list, you can understand how other people are using the domain, similar to yours.


Point Park University

Point park university is a comprehensive doctoral-level university with a strong liberal arts tradition, and is located in the heart of downtown pittsburgh. point park university has schools in arts and sciences, business, communication and a conservator

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Borough of Point Pleasant Beach

Official municipal website, governmental information, boards, staff and general items of interest for point pleasant beach nj

| | pointpleasantbeach.org


p3 Logistic Parks

| | pointparkproperties.com


St. Thomas Resorts | Point Pleasant Resort

Point pleasant resort, a private hillside paradise, is ranked by tripadvisor as the #1 resort on st. Thomas as well as the #1 romantic resort on st. Thomas!

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Point Park University (pointparkglobe) News And Classifieds

Browse point park university (pointparkglobe) classifieds in pittsburgh, pa to find college housing, internships, tutors, student loans, textbooks and scholarships

| | pointparkglobe.com


Pointpieces : Pieces Detachees Pour Chaudieres et Chauffe - Eau - Pointpieces...

Vendeur de pièces détachées pour chauffe-eau, chaudière. Recherche par marque et références

| | pointpieces.com


Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Point pleasant park is one of halifax regional muncipality's great civic spaces. it is the largest forested park on the halifax peninsula and offers fine views of the atlantic ocean

| | pointpleasantpark.ca


Point Plaza Suites

Welcome to the point plaza suites in newport news, virginia! whether you are visiting the area for a quick business trip, family vacation, or an extended stay, you will find that our guest rooms and suites offer the space you need while our hotel’s

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Point Pleasant nj

Guide to the beach and restaurants, and help with finding your way around town

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Point Pedro Institute of Development - About Ppid

Point pedro institute of development (ppid) is an independent private social science research institution based in the conflict region of sri lanka

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Point Prod'

Point prod’ sa est une société de production audiovisuelle qui fournit des contenus et des prestations aux principaux diffuseurs européens. Elle offre également son expertise aux entreprises privées qui souhaitent

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The Shamy Law Firm - Serving Ocean, Monmouth And Middlesex Counties

Attorney jason shamy has been helping injured and arrested clients statewide since 1994. his career started as a judicial law clerk, serving in middlesex county in both the civil and criminal divisions of the superior court where he gained a wealth of in

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Point Pleasant Inn | Bed & Breakfast Rhode Island - Waterfront Bed...

Bed and breakfast located in bristol rhode island. Point pleasant inn is just an hour away from boston and only twenty minutes from providence and newport

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| | pointpotential.fi


Point Plastic

| | pointplastic.it


Pointpeleekarting.com : Home of Point Pelee Karting - Leamington, Ontario...

Pointpeleekarting.com : home of point pelee karting - leamington, ontario, canada, go-kart racing - mini golf - miniature golf - driving range - amusement - windsor essex county

| | pointpeleekarting.com

Pointp.fr Domain Info

Domain Name: pointp.fr
Domain Age: 28 years
See pointp.fr whois information

Pointp.fr subdomains

We found 3 subdomains for this website.


Déco - Distributeur de Matériaux de Construction - Point...

Réunit tous les atouts pour réaliser des chantiers alliant technique et esthétique

| | deco.pointp.fr


Efficacité Énergétique - Distributeur de Matériaux de Construction...

La performance énergétique est un enjeu majeur du secteur du bâtiment. Réglementation thermique, aides fiscales, solutions produits, point.p vous informe et vous conseille pour vos projets de construction ou de rénovation

| | ecoreflexes.pointp.fr


Distribution de Matériaux de Contruction en France - Saint...

Membre du groupe saint-gobain et rattaché au pôle distribution bâtiment, saint-gobain distribution batiment france est le leader de la distribution de matériaux de construction en france à travers ses 11 principales enseig

| | groupe.pointp.fr

Pointp.fr Contact information :

http://pointp.fr/rubrique/1000000715 - Contactez-nous - Distributeur de matériaux de construction - Point.P
Facebook profile for pointp.fr
See pointp.fr contact information in whois record

Web Safety

pointp.fr is a safe website. This information is from Google, AVG Threat Labs, McAfee SiteAdvisor, Wot.

Google Safebrowsing:
Avg Antivirus
Wot Raiting
Child Safety

Pointp.fr Visitors Localization

Traffic Estimations Medium
Traffic Rank 60,299th most visited website in the World
france 93.7 belgium 1.5
madagascar 0.6

Website categories

Currently, we found 15 categories on pointp.fr
construction 281'914 sites bricolage 4'861 sites
magasins 4'330 sites fournisseurs 904 sites
point 29'543 sites carrelage 3'419 sites
Show more

Pointp.fr Top Keywords

This report shows links that we found on other domains than the index page. You can use this list of domains in order to understand what content users like.

Keyword Position Date
1 2016-02-13
traversse en chene
1 2016-02-05
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1 2016-02-04
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1 2016-01-25
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1 2016-01-24
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1 2016-01-22
isolation par l'exterieur
1 2016-01-22
agence point com grenoble
1 2016-01-21
carrelage pierre naturelle
1 2015-12-31
point p
1 2015-12-30

Pointp.fr Anchors Cloud

Anchors Cloud: List of most used anchor phrases in the anchor tags of the referring domains. An example would be "webstatsdomain" in "<a href="https://webstatsdomain.org">webstatsdomain</a>"

  • <a>image</a>( 45% )
  • point p( 33% )
  • point.p( 6% )
  • accès à la page d'accueil point.p( 5% )
  • www.pointp.fr( 5% )
  • http://www.pointp.fr( 3% )

Pointp.fr Terms Cloud

List of most used terms in the anchor text of the referring domains. An example would be "Webstatsdomain" in "<a href="https://webstatsdomain.org">Free website statistics, analysis, review - Webstatsdomain</a>"

  • point.p( 25% )
  • <a>image</a>( 12% )
  • point( 12% )
  • accès( 12% )
  • à( 12% )
  • page( 12% )
  • d'accueil( 12% )

Pointp.fr Website Load Time

Website load time is an important factor, because Google is taking the site’s loading speed into consideration in determining its ranking. Even though this will not have a big impact, it is still something we (webmasters) should really look into. The reason is pretty simple – the majority of visitors are usually in a rush and no one is fond of waiting half a century before the website finally loads its content or fails to load. At the last check on 2016-08-31, website load time was 0.71. The highest load time is 3.73, the lowest load time is 0.64, the average load time is 1.27.

Whois Lookup For pointp.fr


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